Alexander Spendiaryan house-museum awarded Thank you certificates and prizes to organizations and people who were participated in activity of the museum during 2016...
“Museum Management and Marketing, Principles of Public Relations Department of the organization of work for the museum”With the support of the Ministry of Culture, on November 15, 2016 the House-Museum of Alexander Spendiaryan started a five-day training course on “Museum Management and Marketing, Principles of Public Relations Department of the organization of work for the museum”... “Our Spendiaryan”: a series of events dedicated to the 145-th anniversary of the composer's birthWith the support of the Ministry of Culture the Alexander Spendiaryan House-Museum together with the National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiaryan held a series of events dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the birth of the founder of Armenian classical symphonic music, composer Alexander Spendiaryan... Vladilen Balyan’s memories in the book: "And they all were… Pages from a composer's diary"With the support of the Ministry of Culture ''Amrotc Group'' company edited the book "And they all were… Pages from a composer's diary" by composer, Honoured Arts Worker of ASSR Vladilen Balyan... MUSEUM NIGHT - 2016More than 2000 visitors joined in "Museum Night".... Ministry of Culture of RA