The program is intended to preschool children and from 1-4th class pupils
The content of the educational program
Children get to know the life path and musical legacy of founder Armenian classical music Alexander Spendiaryan, through theatre(puppet) art. What is the orchestra, who is the conductor, who is the composer, who are the muses? The answers to this and many other questions are conveyed to children through the character of Inchuik. The educational program is interactive.
The aim of the program is:
- • To relate to classical music
- • Accessible popularization of Alexander Spendiaryan’s life ad works
- • Formation of the museum-visitor culture
- • Organization of intellectual entertainment
The cost of the program:
For groups-5000 AMD (up to 10 participants)
In the case of group more than 10 participants, the ticket price for each person is 500 AMD
Duration – 30 minutes.

The program is intended to preschool children and from 1-4th class pupils of the comprehensive schools
The content of the educational program
The Armenian famous composer Alexander Spendiaryan’s opera “Almast and the poem “The Capture of Fort Tmuk” by All-Armenian poet Hovhannes Tumanyan is presented to the children in a puppet- theatre performance, accompanied by music and animation for the audience of the appropriate age.
The aim of the program is:
- • To relate to classical music
- • Presentation of the plot Alexander Spendiaryan opera “Almast”
- • Formation of the museum-visitor culture
- • Organization of intellectual entertainment
The cost of the program:
For groups-5000 AMD (up to 10 participants)
In the case of group more than 10 participants, the ticket price for each person is 500 AMD
Duration – 30 minutes.

The program is intended to 1-4th class pupils
The content of the educational program
Participating in this program, the children get to know the art of the opera stage painting through alternative and available means, independently illustrate the clothes of the characters of the opera “Almast” (sketches by Martiros Saryan). The program is accompanied by listening to musical excerpts from the opera “Almast”
The aim of the program is:
- • To relate to classical music
- • Activation of interest in classical music
- • Development of teamwork skills
- • Organization of intellectual entertainment
The cost of the program:
For groups-5000 AMD (up to 10 participants)
In the case of group more than 10 participants, the ticket price for each person is 500 AMD
Duration – 30 minutes.

Trilingual-Armenian, Russian, English
For all ages
The content of the educational program
The program presents the composer’s life path(geography) from Crimea to Yerevan, on a touch screen map (projection). Selecting each correct location provides a message in audio and animation format. The program is equipped with puzzle games, overcoming which participants travel through Spendiarianian places.
The aim of the program is:
- • Transfer of knowledge about turning points, important events and places of Alexander Spendiaryan’s life path.
- • Increasing the role of the museum as an informal educational environment
- • Development of teamwork skills
- • Organization of intellectual entertainment
The cost of the program:
For groups-5000 AMD
Duration – 30 minutes.

The program is intended to for all ages
The content of the educational program
By arranging a symphonic orchestra on a virtual platform, With the help of the program manager, visitors get an idea of what a symphonic orchestra is, what it is structure. Also have opportunity, to listen to famous works of renown composers.
The aim of the program is:
- • Activation of interest in classical music through alternative ways
- • Familiarization with the compositions of symphony orchestra, arrangements, types of instruments and the role of t6he conductor
- • Increasing the role of the museum as an informal educational environment
- • Development of teamwork skills
The cost of the program:
For groups-5000 AMD
Duration – 35 minutes.

The program is intended to for all ages
The content of the educational program
The visitor conducts virtual orchestra on a virtual platform and develops his conducting skills. In the program are included the works of Alexander Spendiaryan,
The aim of the program is:
- • Activation of interest in classical music through alternative ways
- • Introduction to the construction of the symphony orchestra and to the role of the condutor
- • Increasing the role of the museum as an informal educational environment
- • Development of teamwork skills
The cost of the program:
For groups-3000 AMD
Duration – 20 minutes.

The program is intended to 1-5th class pupils
The content of the educational program
The plot of the symphonic picture “Three palms” by Alexander Spendiaryan based on the same name poem of Mikhail Lermontov is presented through an illustrated cartoon. At the and-discussion through questions and answers.
The aim of the program is:
- • Affordable presentation of classical music by alternative available ways
- • Activation of interest in classical music
- • Creating and strengthening the museum-student connection
The cost of the program:
For groups-3000 dram
Duration – 20 minutes
For groups-5000 AMD (up to 10 participants)
In the case of group more than 10 participants, the ticket price for each person is 500 AMD
Duration – 30 minutes.

The program is intended to 2-4th class pupils
The content of the educational program
Participant create their own family three by getting know Alexander Spendiaryan’s family history and his family three as well. During the program participants learn the principals of creating a family three (everyone takes their family three with them).
The aim of the program is:
- • Emphasize the role of the family and arouse interest in studying the history of their linage
- • Teach the principles of creating a family three
- • Popularize the composer as a great Armenian and artist
- Increasing the role of the museum as an informal educational environment
- • Development of teamwork skills
The cost of the program:
For groups-5000 AMD (up to 10 participants)
In the case of group more than 10 participants, the ticket price for each person is 500 AMD
Duration – 35 minutes.